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Table Talks is an opportunity to learn from our past, step into our potential, and re-imagine a better future together

A Taste of Table Talks

Do you want to contribute to reconciliation? Register for this low-cost introductory workshop to learn how Table Talks can help move the dial in your community or work environment. Join us to learn about this new program!

Table Talks in our Personal Lives

Thu, April 3, 2025
9 am-noon PST, online

Table Talks in a Professional Environment

Fri, April 4, 2025
9 am-noon PST, online


Table Talks was inspired by the desire to help settlers get more comfortable talking about colonization and how it has impacted us all.

The program aims to deepen curiosity and understanding about how our colonial history has shaped our relationships with each other, laying the foundation for settlers and Indigenous peoples to work together to create a future that benefits all of us—and our children.

Courageous conversations are challenging. People are afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing.
A good place to tackle this hard work is around our kitchen tables with family and friends—or around the boardroom table with colleagues.

Table Talks shares a well-resourced path for venturing into these important conversations with others who are also interested in moving the dial on reconciliation.


Support Indigenous Changemakers

kinSHIFT is a social enterprise of IndigenEYEZ, an Indigenous-led initiative whose mission is to raise up emerging Indigenous leaders and equip them with tools to help communities come together to build a better future for our children and future generations.

Revenue generated through kinSHIFT supports IndigenEYEZ to offer powerful programs that uplift Indigenous community champions of all ages—with a special focus on women and 2Spirit+ peoples.

Table Talks in the News

“I wanted to help cultivate, stimulate conversation between people of what localized colonization looks like. Non-Indigenous people – there’s a lot of talk of truth and reconciliation, and what is that truth, before reconciliation?"

Learn more about the Table Talks program
in IndigiNews!


Table Talks is a partnership between kinSHIFT and the

Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen (CFSOS).

We gratefully acknowledge funding from CFSOS and the Vancouver Foundation.

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