About kinSHIFT
“Powerful, deep workshops. So inspiring...
total facilitation rockstars in my books!”
The wellbeing of one is connected to the wellbeing of all
Supporting Indigenous Changemakers
kinSHIFT is a social enterprise of IndigenEYEZ, an Indigenous-led initiative whose mission is to raise up emerging Indigenous leaders and equip them with tools to help communities come together to build a better future for our children and future generations.
kinSHIFT was built in 2020 to meet two objectives:
1. Respond to the growing requests from non-Indigenous allies for Truth & Reconciliation workshops
2. Create a sustainable means of funding our work with Indigenous communities

GIVING BACK Revenue generated through kinSHIFT supports IndigenEYEZ to offer powerful programs that uplift Indigenous community champions of all ages—with a special focus on women and 2Spirit+ peoples.
RECIPROCITY kinSHIFT workshops are a vehicle for mutual contribution. If participants have capacity to give more than the requested fees, that is wonderful and we will apply that DIRECTLY to our work with Indigenous communities. At the same time, we honour all participants and accommodate those for whom tickets are an obstacle.
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